Best AI Ecommerce Tools

Ilma Last Updated: November 23, 2023 13 min read

AI-Powered E-Commerce: Creating a Future of Tailored Purchasing

The advantages of AI for marketing teams go beyond time savings. You can make sure that your customers find the most relevant products and content on your website, improving their overall experience, with the help of AI-powered e-commerce technologies.

Here are a few main benefits:

Material Creation: Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are capable of producing compelling material for a range of marketing platforms, including social media, email campaigns, and blogs. Businesses can concentrate on their core competencies while also saving time and resources by doing this.

Personalised Shopping Experience: Real-time tracking of consumer preferences and behaviours is made possible by AI-powered CRM solutions, which makes it easier to customise the shopping experience. Additionally, these tools recommend products based on past purchases made by customers, increasing consumer happiness and boosting sales.

Pricing Optimisation: Using sophisticated algorithms, AI software may examine competitor prices and offer the optimum pricing plan based on data. 

Risk and Fraud Management: Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions protect e-commerce companies against possible fraud by using machine learning to validate online payments. These tools improve trust and security by streamlining the process for clients and guaranteeing safe payment options.

Improved Customer Support: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer rapid and individualised customer support, hastening the answer to a client's question and enhancing the experience of receiving customer service in general.

Search and Navigation: Artificial intelligence improves recommendation systems, visual search, and search capabilities, making shopping more user-friendly and productive.

Product descriptions: Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can produce visually appealing product photos and videos rapidly, saving time and effort in the creation of visually appealing material. AI-powered copywriting tools also aid in the optimisation of product descriptions and titles.

Artificial intelligence (AI) in e-commerce improves content production, personalization, pricing, security, customer service, search capabilities, product descriptions, and data-driven decision-making by establishing a smooth and integrated ecosystem. The competitiveness and overall performance of e-commerce enterprises are enhanced by this all-encompassing strategy.

Best 5 AI Ecommerce Tools

Revealing the best AI Ecommerce Tools!

1. ViSenze


ViSenze is an AI-driven platform that makes product discovery easier for owners of online stores, ultimately assisting them in reaching their objectives and boosting sales. This adaptable solution cuts down on the amount of time clients spend looking for desired things by using machine learning and intelligent recommendation algorithms to present them with products that match their interests.

Best Features of ViSenze:

  • ViSenze improves customer satisfaction and increases conversion rates by offering tailored product recommendations based on what customers are currently seeing.

  • Using photographs, stored images, or screenshots, customers may quickly and easily find products, streamlining and streamlining their search experience.

  • ViSenze's smart tagging technology automatically tags vast product catalogues with precise labels, lowering expenses and increasing catalogue visibility. This improves product search performance.

  • Smart Reach: Using picture recognition as its power, Smart Reach improves and streamlines your audience's search experience.

  • Its easy integration with different e-commerce systems makes it more user-friendly for online merchants.

  • ViSenze provides extensive analytics and business insights that let you efficiently monitor customer behaviour and product performance.

  • The tool's powerful search features make it simpler for customers to locate the products they're looking for.

  • By presenting clients with things they're probably going to like, ViSenze's AI-powered suggestions boost revenue.

  • Time and effort are saved with the automatic category and tag optimisation provided by the smart tagging solution for product catalogues.

  • All things considered, big retailers rely on ViSenze, a top AI-driven platform for product discovery, to improve the shopping experience. Retailers can increase income and make it easier for customers to identify things they love by utilising its automation and intelligence features.

Try ViSenze

Costing: ViSenze's pricing is opaque; to discuss your unique requirements and obtain a rate that is tailored to your business, you will need to schedule a demo and speak with one of their account managers.

2. Salesforce Einstein


Salesforce Einstein is an all-inclusive artificial intelligence (AI) CRM solution that provides a number of AI-enabled services, including image recognition, predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and more. It seeks to give companies rapid access to AI capabilities without requiring substantial expenditures in technology. These are a few of its salient characteristics and uses:

Best Features of Salesforce Einstein:

  • Salesforce Einstein makes predictions about future trends, customer behaviour, and company results by analysing past data using machine learning algorithms. This facilitates better decision-making for enterprises.

  • These artificial intelligence (AI) driven chatbots can automatically handle support issues and client queries. They can be taught to provide tailored recommendations and answers to frequently asked questions, freeing up customer support workers to work on more difficult assignments.

  • Businesses may extract data from photos and videos using Einstein Vision. It recognises text, objects, and other features in visual content using computer vision and deep learning algorithms. It is especially helpful for tasks that require a lot of visual data.

  • Salesforce Einstein assists companies in comprehending the behaviour and preferences of their customers, allowing them to offer more individualised services and improve customer interaction. The goal of this feature is to enhance the user experience.

  • With the help of this tool, customers may incorporate potent AI capabilities into a range of business operations, such as marketing, sales, customer support, apps, and platforms. It offers AI insights and recommendations for handling complicated problems, as well as aids in finding pertinent patterns in data.

  • Using their applications, employees and customers can directly receive recommendations from this technology. To improve workflow efficiency, it can be used to create action plans, prediction models, display suggestions, and initiate automation.

  • Salesforce Einstein offers sophisticated AI features including automatic data collection, email insights for sales teams, and predictive lead scoring, all of which are intended to optimise workflows and boost productivity within CRM. Personalised email recommendations and predictive grading help marketing efforts as well. It supports case classification, routing, and wrap-up in customer service operations and provides agents with suggested responses for client interactions.

  • Salesforce's Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Service Cloud now include these AI-powered technologies to help businesses improve customer experience, automate operations, and make data-driven choices. 

Try Salesforce Einstein

Costing: The precise cost of Salesforce Einstein varies depending on the particular features and solutions that a business needs. Users can get more information by getting in touch with Salesforce's sales team.



More than 2,500 webshop owners use, a robust e-commerce personalization tool, worldwide. By offering automated solutions for enhancing sales and customer interaction across multiple company factors, it assists busy webshop owners in optimising their online stores. 

Best Features of

  • The search engine on recognises the intent of users' searches, fixes typos, and offers substitute inquiries. For accurate search results, it can identify special characters, measurements, qualities, modifiers, and categories.

  • Based on a variety of criteria, including popular products, recent trends, order history, and more, e-commerce administrators can provide product recommendations using predetermined logic. 

  • A drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to customise where products are placed on different pages.

  • To meet their business objectives, online retailers can efficiently manage and promote particular brands, vendors, campaigns, and categories.

  • Audience segmentation allows users to create focused marketing campaigns by grouping clients according to product interests, order history, and other behavioural data points.

  • To keep consumers interested,'s email solution enables trigger emails such as session emails, search-based emails, and reminders for abandoned carts.

  • Magento, MailChimp, Shopify, Salesforce, Hubspot, and other third-party applications can be integrated with's API.

  • helps companies accomplish a number of objectives:

  • Boost the rate of on-site conversions, increase product sales.

  • Boost email marketing initiatives' return on investment, utilise automated processes to save time.

  • Personalised experiences will help you keep more customers.

  • The AI-powered platform of is made to provide individualised buying experiences across a variety of channels, saving time and promoting business expansion. 

  • To help organisations get the most out of their platform, they provide support in the form of case studies, user examples, and a devoted team of tech experts.

  •'s clever search engine is a notable feature that guarantees users always view the most relevant products. It uses faceted search to deliver pertinent results, auto corrects misspelt words, and understands the purpose of the search. 


Costing: is a subscription-based approach with price tiers beginning at $99.00 per month. It also offers a free trial without requiring a credit card.

4. Kimonix


Kimonix is a full-featured AI-powered merchandising solution made to improve your eCommerce store's performance through the implementation of ROI-driven tactics based on current business requirements and real-time data. It gives you the information, understanding, and authority required to offer the appropriate products to the appropriate clients at the appropriate costs. In addition to helping you accomplish your business objectives and enhance conversion rates and customer retention, this cutting-edge merchandising system can result in a significant profit increase of up to 30%.

Best Features of Kimonix:

  • Kimonix uses cutting-edge AI to maximise your merchandising tactics and match them with consumer preferences and business goals.

  • When necessary, you can choose to override the automated data-driven sorting process and manually group particular products.

  • Arrange your Shopify products according to a range of factors, such as inventory value, days in store, sales, and margins.

  • With integrated A/B testing, you can automatically determine which sorting tactics will yield the highest profits for your store.

  • To generate customised off-site product collections that increase conversion rates, seamlessly interface with social and email marketing channels.

  • By offering AI-driven solutions for a smooth and customised shopping experience, Kimonix focuses on increasing eCommerce conversions, which in turn drives sales and customer happiness.

  • By examining consumer behaviour and preferences, AI can be used to increase conversion rates.

  • To simplify operations, you can quickly and simply interface Kimonix with your eCommerce platform.

  • Kimonix is a flexible AI-powered merchandising platform with pricing tiers to accommodate different business requirements. Its sophisticated features ensure that your consumers have a profitable and customised shopping experience by dramatically increasing sales and conversion rates.

Try Kimonix 

Costing: Kimitix provides customizable price tiers to meet your individual requirements. Monthly plans start at $19. The amount of monthly orders, the quantity of product collections you need, and the features you want are some of the variables that determine the pricing structure. Advanced analytics, segregated collections, and a 14-day money-back guarantee are included with every package.

5. Octane AI


Octane AI is a flexible eCommerce platform that increases revenue and improves customer interaction for Shopify and Shopify Plus companies. The platform provides a number of tools and capabilities for customised marketing and consumer engagement, including:

Best Features of Octane AI:

  • Octane AI offers practical choices such as pop-ups, quizzes, and opt-ins to draw in visitors and instantly gather useful lead data.

  • By addressing consumers' individual requirements with the appropriate products at the right time, the platform's AI capabilities foster long-lasting connections and boost revenue.

  • Because of its no-code functionality, Octane AI is easily customizable to meet your unique branding and marketing requirements.

  • The platform collects data using artificial intelligence (AI) and offers comprehensive analytics that provide insights into the behaviour and preferences of customers.

  • Octane AI facilitates a range of marketing channels, such as Facebook Messenger, quizzes, and SMS automation, enabling all-encompassing engagement tactics.

  • To gain a deeper understanding of your audience, Octane AI provides a Voice of Customer tool that can evaluate product evaluations and unearth attitudes, insights, and customer research.

  • To give your customers a flawless online experience, you can divide up your marketing campaigns and flows into SMS and email segments.

  • With Octane AI, you can keep tabs on the amount of money each campaign generates and the amount of engagement for each quiz, allowing you to make informed decisions.

  • The advantages of Octane AI include its capacity to develop captivating quizzes, adaptable opt-in tools, email and loyalty tool integration, and a strong recommendation system powered by AI. For Shopify brands, it streamlines interaction and personalization, building deeper client relationships and boosting sales.

Try Octane AI

Costing: Octane AI has two pricing tiers depending on your yearly average revenue. For firms making less than $1 million a year, the basic "Octane" plan costs $50 per month. The more sophisticated "Octane Plus" plan costs $200 per month.


Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solutions are increasing productivity and improving customer experiences in the quickly changing world of e-commerce. These systems provide a wide range of advantages, from customised purchasing recommendations to automated content generation and fraud management. ViSenze, which streamlines product discovery; Salesforce Einstein, which provides AI-driven CRM solutions to businesses;, which optimises search and product recommendations; Kimonix, which enhances eCommerce performance through AI-driven merchandising; and Octane AI, which boosts customer engagement and revenue for Shopify businesses, are a few of the noteworthy options. E-commerce companies may boost conversions, maintain their competitiveness, and eventually prosper in a fast-paced online market by utilising AI.

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