5 Best AI Copywriting Tools to Elevate Your Writings

Ilma Last Updated: October 23, 2023 10 min read

How Do AI Copywriting Tools Work?

AI copywriting tools are AI-driven software that use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate outcomes based on the user inputs and their required standards. These tools have raised much and are of much help in levelling up the game of copywriters.  

These AI copywriting tools analyse huge chunks of data on the web from millions of websites in a blink of an eye and provide content based on the readings. So, we cannot depend on these tools for 100% unique or accurate data; that sounds like a limitation, but it does not mean we stop using them. They are of great use and have been known to ease many tasks within seconds, whereas humans might take loads of time. 

If you want to create a copy using AI copywriting tools, you must follow some easy steps.

  • First, you must select a topic for which you want the AI copywriting tool to generate content.
  • Then, you must explain the tool about your preferences regarding the topic. For example, the tone and goals of your choice.
  • The tool will begin to collect data, analyse it, and then generate the outcome on your topic. The result is based on preexisting information that is available over the web.
  • You may now go through the results. You can even change it accordingly if required.

So, AI content writing tools can greatly help us produce content within no time. 


How Can AI Copywriting Tools Be Beneficial for Your Biz?

The answer is simple, more content within less time. These days, when time is everything for us, we find ways to save it, and AI has helped do it for us. AI copywriting tools work swiftly to provide the needed data, lessen our work, and overall make us happy! 

You do not have to spend much time thinking about ideas and unique taglines to elevate your brand or business; AI does it for you. You can generate outlines, produce descriptions, ad copy, meta titles, and do whatnot! An AI copywriting tool has revolutionised the way copywriters used to do their job. 

By using superb AI copywriting tools, you can work on even more projects within a time and boost your business with new ideas each day!


Who May Profit from AI Copywriting Tools?

This may have a long list because who may not? Everyone wants some or the other content to promote their area of profession, be it businesses or individuals. Let us know who can benefit from the fabulous AI copywriting tools.


Yes, copywriters can use AI copywriting tools best, but remember, as an assistant. Let me remind you that AI copywriting tools can never eat your lunch! Well, let us look at why copywriters may use AI tools.

  • List potential headings or titles.
  • Create concepts for different versions of ad copy.
  • Generate some ideas for SEO keywords or even a simple plan.
  • Write stuff to overcome writer’s block.
  • Adapt content to several languages.


Social Media Administrators and Marketers

To simplify how they handle marketing and their social media presence, marketers and social media managers can use AI copywriting tools and benefit from them. They may use them to:

  • Set social media objectives for their upcoming campaigns.
  • Use chatbots to conduct customer surveys and studies.
  • Create summaries and snippets for use in internal planning paperwork.
  • Jot down ideas for social media posts.

Social media managers spend a lot of time looking for ideas and generating engaging posts for social media. Using AI copywriting tools may help them to save surplus time and effort. 


Company Owners

With their busy schedule, they only want someone to help with their daily repetitive tasks and relieve some of their strain. Business owners can use AI copywriting tools to:

  • Compose tons of email responses.
  • Jotting down meeting summaries.
  • Creating a site in draught form so they do not need to begin from zero.

How Do You Choose the Right AI Copywriting Tool?

The answer might be hidden in various aspects, which we must look for in the AI copywriting tools. Let us delve into some important aspects we must consider while choosing a perfect AI copywriting tool. 

Easy to use:

First, you must look for the simplicity of using an AI copywriting tool. The easier it is to use, the better you can be friends with it. AI copywriting tools need an intuitive interface so copywriters can spend their time on something other than struggling with its usage. 


Ensuring it matches the SEO requirements is the greatest of all measures in drafting your copies. Look for AI copywriting tools that evaluate content’s readability and suggest secondary keywords. The AI copywriting tools should evaluate copy for SEO guidelines. 

Voice Pitch:

Copywriters do not require their copy to appear artificial. It should sound more human-written rather than robotic. So, to choose the right option among AI copywriting tools, choose one that can discern voice tone precisely and offer suggestions. 

Plagiarism Monitoring:

A copy is meant to be 100% plagiarism free and unique. Due to the constraints of AI copywriting tools, you should depend on a reliable plagiarism detector.

Possibilities of Export:

Ensure your creations can be effortlessly exported to spreadsheets, documents, etc. 

By keeping these important measures in mind, you can make the perfect choice in choosing the best among all AI copywriting tools


Limitations of AI Copywriting Tools

AI copywriting tools have certain limitations. Let us know some of them:

  • AI copywriting tools sum up the contents available over the web to create something new, but in the end, it is just information on already uploaded data. So, we can never say it is completely fresh, unique, or correct.
  • Humans have emotions; robots do not! You may need to catch up if you expect something connected to emotions from AI copywriters.
  • The content generated may be good to read, but you must always proofread it to check whether it matches your expectations and requirements.
  • AI-generated content may contain plagiarism, so you must check it using a solid checker.

So, AI copywriting tools will make your life easier, but you still must work on the content before approving. 


5 Best AI Copywriting Tools of 2023

These superb AI copywriters can simplify your work and produce outstanding outputs based on your needs. 


1. ChatGPT

A friend whom you can ask about anything and everything. OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a super-intelligent chatbot, which caused a stir on the internet in 2022. You can ask anything to ChatGPT, and it provides you with the relevant answer in minutes. Numerous AI copywriting tools available now are built on this approach. 


  • Friendly chat-style interface.
  • Answers to every question asked, each time in a unique way.
  • The intricacy of ChatGPT’s interaction is its most notable feature.
  • Maintains a history of all your conversations.


Tool Website: https://chat.openai.com/ 

Costing: Offers a Free tier. ChatGPT Plus costs $20 per month. 

2. Writesonic

Freelancers, as well as large corporations, utilise Writesonic as their go-to AI copywriting tool. It contains over 100 functions, such as corporate biographies and review responders. 


  • Provides various copy samples based on your descriptions.
  • Offers YouTube generators and is simple to use.
  • Quick answers delivery, welcome emails, and SEO meta descriptions.
  • A landing page generator is among its most unique features.

Tool Website: https://writesonic.com/ 

Costing: Offers a Free Trial and Premium starting from $12.67 per month. 


3. WordAi

A groundbreaking tool that makes content production easier and faster with its tremendous features. WordAi analyses current papers using AI technology to extract all potential structures and build variants of those patterns using its enormous database of synonyms. 


  • Rewrites and downloads in large quantities.
  • Revision of a single article can be done up to 1000 times.
  • Text enrichment and phrase restructuring.
  • Integration of the AI content generator tool Article Forge.


Tool Website: https://wordai.com/ 

Costing: Starts from $27 per month. 


4. Wordtune

Wordtune helps you in improving your content in the best possible ways. It is one of the amazing AI copywriting tools that are budget-friendly. It collaborates with you in actual time to rewrite and rework your material without compromising its meaning or rhythm. 


  • Provides creative flexibility, cutting down on editing time and improving the organisation of sentences.
  • Repurposing content on several platforms may assist writers in tightening up their copy.
  • A brand-new function named ‘Spices’ is an auto-complete program that offers a variety of possibilities, including definitions, explanations, etc.


Tool Website: https://www.wordtune.com/ 

Costing: The basic plan is free, and the Premium starts from $9.99 monthly. 


5. Notion AI

For marketers of all stripes who want to experiment with AI content and who need an adaptable place for to-do lists, Notion AI is the perfect AI copywriting tool.  


  • Focuses primarily on productive tasks and has strong AI copywriting skills.
  • Ability to draught complete pieces.
  • Provides jargon removal and idea generation along with lovely and useful templates.
  • It has various formatting choices to choose from.


Tool Website: https://www.notion.so/product/ai 

Costing: Notion is Free, and Notion AI is $10, a premium add-on. 



In conclusion, AI copywriting tools are of great benefit if used properly. They assist you in tasks that you feel are annoying to repeat daily. These AI tools use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and provide you with the best possible content. Copywriters, social media managers, business owners, and marketers can greatly benefit from them. They can streamline their work and increase productivity by using AI copywriting tools. Before choosing one, it is essential to look for factors such as SEO capabilities, ease of use, and voice pitch in AI copywriting tools. These AI tools offer creative alternatives to improve writing quality and leverage your editing skills. Some are super easy to learn and even fun to use. So, elevate your copies and content using these tremendous AI copywriting tools, and sound like a pro!


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